Verse 121 from Call of the Marching Bell By The Poet Of East Dr.Muhammad Allama Iqbal

Who is Allama Iqbal? And My Purpose of Picking his Verses?

Dr.M.Allama Iqbal is the Person Who's Vision was Pakistan a Great Philosopher and Poet.My purpose for picking his verses from his book Called 'Bang e Dara' meaning' Call of the marching bell' is purely Spiritual and Philosophical which is something that makes him the All time great philosopher who's philosophy once understood by only one person can completely turn around the fate of entire nation as his prime belief whom i,m fond of is one person is all what matters.
Now Allama Iqbal's philosophy is poetic and originally in Persian language and is based on one prime factor of Human which is 'Khudi' meaning 'Selfhood'.Now i will discuss all about 'KHUDI' in my next blog I will discuss all about the concept of IQBAL AND KHUDI.Below i will be discussing his few verses of his poem naming

The Cup-Bearer

"Nasha Pila ke girana to sub ko aata hai
Mzza to jab hsi ke girton ko Thaam le Saqi".

"Everyone knows how to throw down with intoxicants
The fun is to convert the intoxicated ones to sanity, O cup-bearer".


Now in this verse Iqbal describes the brutality of humans as there is a saying that 'hit once more to the falling wall' means when a person is depressed and tired with life is more likely to get hit by people instead of being picked by people.The point is that a depressed person is the one who sees life in its actual perspective and more likely to be a devil or an angel depending on his approach.Allah The God attracts these people as they have no hope in life.Iqbal says that according to the scenario provided when you see a depressed person in a bar he is in contact with the bar tender or the up-bearer and advising him that don't give that person enough wine to forget his pain for one night O cup-bearer give him  a hand of hope and courage so that he not only only fights his odds but defeat them.

"Jo badah kash the purane, wo uthte jaate hen
Kaheen se Aab-e-Baqaye dawam le Saqi".

"Those who were the habitual or old drinkers of wine are gradually departing
Bring the water of immorality from somewhere, O cup=bearer".


In this verse Iqbal explains the condition of people who are habitual and got old with the sorrows of life as they don't have the capability now to fight and face life.He beautifully describes it by the same scenario of bar that the old drinkers are getting up as the power of wine is not lasting any longer in them, But he then says what about the new one isn't he got completely intoxicant? So bring the water as (he means that water will bring bring his senses back) so he called it the water of immorality O cup bearer so that the new one doesn't get habitual or intoxicated.

"Kati hai raat to hangama gustari me Teri
Seher qareeb hai, Allah ka naam le Saqi".

"Your whole night has passed in tumult and clamor
The Dawn is close Remember Allah (God), O cup=bearer".


The last verse is best and it completely summarizes everything as Iqbal says that my whole life is passed in sins and grief.My life has sorrows and worries and no hope in left in my life.The life of mine is such a panic that I don't understand it.And then Iqbal gives the answer that how long will I be coming to bar and keep drinking i need a permanent solution and hope as he points to the path of spirituality and belief in Allah Th God that it is enough now you have wasted your life don't regret on it now come to the path of Allah and find hope and happiness in life find something to belief on as the dawn is near means the hope is in you just find it by believing the truth ( relating the life with night and relating the hope with the dawn).


Allama Iqbal was a Great Thinker,Philosopher and a majestic Poet.
He was the person who's vision was Pakistan which became an Independent Muslim state.His Philosophy which has changed the fates of many nations is all in his poetry is something starts from questions and ends on answers which he found only and only in Spirituality which he describes is found in the path of righteousness and believing in Allah The God Almighty.

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