The Wrong Perception that Life is a Competition.

The Perception OF Life

The Existence of an individual is called 'Life'.The Human life is not just an existence it has a purpose that is what makes the life of Human reasonable.Now life is a referred as a book with chapters.

Some Great philosophers said that "Life is A Teacher.But it has a different way of teaching as A Teacher first teaches lesson then takes exam but life it first takes exam then teaches the lesson".

So it is well understood that life is all about living nit passing or wasting.What I mean from living is that accepting what it offers and getting what you want it to offer by striving for that.It is not supposed to be wasted and then again wasted in realization that I wasted my life.

Now for living life according to its actual meaning requires a purpose.Life is a;ll about purpose we are not useless as nothing in this world is useless.The purpose of our existence is defined in m,any perceptions.The Religious perception of living A complete and purposeful life is to please God.According to secular point if view it is to please mankind.Now I am gonna pick the Religious as it includes what the secular point is.God is pleased when you please the mankind according to Islam.The most precious gift that humans have is the gift of pain.Pain for his fellow human being this is what makes us human.

The complete life is lived only when we attain peace of mind.The mental peace is only attained when you have no worries regarding anything.Let me explain it as when we try to get something we struggle for that and not only us others are also trying for that same thing to get it we all work for it and this is the way to achieve what we want fairly.

The Perception That Life Is A Competition

The Perception that Life is all about a Race or Competition is injected in us when we start to go to school.Actually in school the system is designed that way that we no matter how escape from this perception get into it as the 1st position holder is considered important.Now I want to clarify that there is nothing wrong with that system, if a student strives to get the position he should get it and also be appreciated for his or her efforts.Now how this is wrong? 
That is the answer that there are two types of striving and struggling both lead to one path but the results are different.Now the school student example is a simple way for explaining it as, There is a student who works hard and then gets the top position just to prove that he is best and he is interested in studies now as consider me there I want that position and I do work hard and I get it that's a simple logical way, but I want that position and I do something that eliminates that student or I harm him or her that is a different way.

Now my purpose is not getting that position to prove I,m best but to demoralize that student that he is not good this is what happens in real life competition where we don't focus on living a good life but we do focus on pulling others down and proving them that we won.

Now this condition of competition we get into in life and most of us are infected by that so It leads us to mental disturbance as I,m a believer of Karma so as i said both ways lead to one path success but it has different results some get success by proving that they are best some get success by proving that others are not good and these kind of people get into mental disturbance and the infection stops them from living a complete life as the concept of what I have given above.


The conclusion and the message we get from that is we don't need to prove others that they are not good all we have to do is to believe in ourselves and follow the path of success without eliminating others and keep our mental health fit and peaceful to lead a complete life and say to everyone as "Call me crazy but I love to see people successful and happy".

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