Verse 121 from Call of the Marching Bell By The Poet Of East Dr.Muhammad Allama Iqbal

Who is Allama Iqbal? And My Purpose of Picking his Verses? Dr.M.Allama Iqbal is the Person Who's Vision was Pakistan a Great Philosopher and Poet.My purpose for picking his verses from his book Called 'Bang e Dara' meaning' Call of the marching bell' is purely Spiritual and Philosophical which is something that makes him the All time great philosopher who's philosophy once understood by only one person can completely turn around the fate of entire nation as his prime belief whom i,m fond of is one person is all what matters. Now Allama Iqbal's philosophy is poetic and originally in Persian language and is based on one prime factor of Human which is 'Khudi' meaning 'Selfhood'.Now i will discuss all about ' KHUDI ' in my next blog I will discuss all about the concept of IQBAL AND KHUDI.Below i will be discussing his few verses of his poem naming Saqi The Cup-Bearer "Nasha Pila ke girana to sub ko ...